meet our students!
Luis Mario is 21 years old and is from Mazatlán. He is in his second year at Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAdeO) university, studying Gastronomy He likes cooking and works to earn money.
Luis Mariostudying Gastronomy
Diego is 20 years old and is from Mazatlán. He is in his first year at Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Sinaloa university (ITESUS), studying Graphic Design. He loves the outdoors and works at restaurants to earn money.
DiegoStudying Graphic Design
Erick is 21 years old and is from Mazatlán. He is in his first year at Universidad Autonóma de Sinaloa (UAS) university, studying Gastronomy. He loves cooking and helps out at Refugio Mazatlán often. He works at a restaurant to earn money.
ErickStudying Gastronomy
Daniel is 19 years old and is from Mazatlán. He will be entering his first year at Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAdeO) university, studying Physical Therapy. He spent his summer in Canada with his host family, Heather and Pete. He works to earn money.
DanielStudying Physical Therapy