needs list
- Meat – chicken, ground beef, pork, chorizo etc
- Fish
- Cheese, cream, butter, etc
- Milk
- Beans – pinto
- Rice
- Cereal (not sugared)
- Fruit and vegetables
Cleaning supplies
- Laundry detergent (the powder kind)
- Fabuloso, chlorox and other cleaning agents
- Paper towel
- Dish detergent
- Cubetas of white paint
- Brushes, rollers etc
Please contact us if you might be interested in sponsoring a young man’s studies. Contributions can be made monthly, annually or on a one-time basis
Employment Opportunities
It is a requirement that our students hold part-time jobs. They pay their own bus fares and incidental school expenses and therefore have “skin in the game”. They learn responsibility and money management. If you own a business in Mazatlán and can provide weekend or part-time jobs for our young people you will find them to be conscientious, hard-working and reliable.
Cash donations to cover some operating costs
We would be most grateful if anyone would be interested in contributing towards some of the day-to-day expenses, such as:
*Monthly electricity, water, or propane bills
*Sponsor the cost of a staff member
*Assistance with medical expenses